OK, so tomorrow I have interview with an agent about some paralegal job which involves Polish speaker. Well known American law firm, so would look great on my CV. Keep the fingers crossed please! I'm only worried that this is a really temporary job, so in a month or two I would have to start looking all over again and be in the same miserable position. But at least I'd have some more experience then. Also, I still have no response from the interview I had last week (Publishing Assistant job). The more I think about it, the better it looks, but I don't want to keep my hopes up as it probably won't work out.
Medicine and litres of Earl Grey helped me and I no longer feel pain in my throat. Only thing which worries me is that I am not eating lately. For the person who can finish everything from her plate and eat dessert this is really unusual. I survive on one or two sandwiches... Normally this is like a snack for me! Not that it REALLY bothers me - I have to lose some weight - but I think that this is not a healthy way of doing it. It is the stress which takes toll on me...
Hope your interview went well. And don't worry about it being temporary, it's always easier to get a job, when you have a job. Plus, a lot of temporary jobs become permanent