Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Well, I'm feeling alive and healthy, but Boyfriend is off sick until next Monday. He went to the doctor again yesterday, he is taking antibiotic and has to rest all week. He has really serious cough and random fever increases, so we got scared a little, because there are new swine flu cases in the UK.

Nothing much happens really. I've sent some CVs and applications today, but there's nothing at the moment. All my hopes of the New Year and increase of the job offers are vanishing. It makes me more and more stressful so I can't fall asleep and when I do, I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm restless for a couple of hours tossing and turning. I need to study Spanish, but I'm lacking motivation - so not good considering my previous post about New Year resolutions and its Number 23... I am SO NOT impressed with myself.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Madame, I will say a couple of thoughts and prayers for you tonight. Dont stress over the Spanish quandry...Your English is very refined....


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